Faith Felder, MD | Tampa Heights Medical Center | [813] 872-8600
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We empower people to live their healthiest life
through personalized one-on-one Health Coaching
Internal Medicine
Providing adults with primary care, comprehensive long-term care of common and complex illnesses.
Lifestyle Medicine
Preventing and treating your chronic illnesses through lifestlye changes such as but not limited to: nutrition, physical activities and stress management.
Plant-Based-Diet. If you are serious about getting results and reducing the pills then "Food as Medicine" is key.
Reversing Diabetes
Providing guidance and accountability to reverse diabetes without drugs.
Heart Health
Providing heart disease risk assessments and strategies to lower your risk for the #1 cause of death.
Weight Loss
We focus on more than love handles. It's the deep fat, the visceral fat that will kill you and your quality of life.
Dr. Faith Facts
Everyone needs real information about what works and what doesn't. Follow us on social media to keep up to date on what works and what doesn't. Educate yourself, take action, and get results. "More to come. . ."

Faith Felder, MD | Tampa Heights Medical Center | [813] 872-8600